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Better together.

Small Groups

You were made for relationships—to be seen and known by God and by others. Followers of Jesus are called to pursue a life in community with others, on purpose, so that we can grow together in faith, prayer, accountability, and care for one another. This is true discipleship. Our small groups, meeting in various locations throughout Green and surrounding neighborhoods, exist to meet this need in your life.

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Our Women’s Ministry offers unique, meaningful opportunities to connect with the Lord and with other women. As we connect through weekly gatherings, Bible studies, and quarterly events, each woman is inspired to live for God, loving Him with all her heart, soul, mind, and strength; and to reach other women, loving them as herself. Together, we grow in our faith as we learn to follow Jesus.

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Our Men’s Ministry offers meaningful opportunities to be strengthened by the Lord and by other men. As we encourage and sharpen each other, each man is inspired to live for God on purpose and to reach other men for His glory. Together, we grow in our faith as we learn to follow Jesus.

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  • Membership Class

  • Pathway: First Step

  • Refresh

  • Vertical Marriage

  • Men's Study: The Screwtape Letters

  • Widowed Women Connect

  • Women's Fall Studies

  • Men's Study: Digging Deeper

  • Pathway: Connect & Grow

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The Adult Discipleship Team

Walt McCord

Adult Ministry Pastor

Dale Saylor

Pastor Emeritus

Hillary Bernstein

Women’s Ministry Director

Terri Reese

Adult Ministry Administrative Assistant

Colleen Koladzinski

Director of Stewardship

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